We advise, in the first instance, to reply to your original quote email (or any email you've received from us). Incoming email goes into our team inbox and allows one of our team to respond as soon as possible. Our team now works remotely so emailing is usually the quickest way to get in touch, however, you can leave a message on 0131 467 2539 0131 467 2539 and we'll give you a call back asap.
For help making a deposit or balance payment, please contact accounts@freakmusic.co.uk or call 0131 467 2539 0131 467 2539.
If you need to reach us in an emergency and you have already tried calling our main number 0131 467 2539 0131 467 2539, please call our out-of-ours emergency answer service on 020 8798 3314 020 8798 3314 where your details will be passed on to a member of our team who will respond as soon as they can.
We're always on the lookout for hot new acts all across the UK. If you're in or are part of a professional entertainment act and would like more exposure (exclusive or non-exclusive) then please click below and complete your details to get the ball rolling...
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