What do you mean it’s quarter past ’12?

The Destroyers


We’re all aware of the cliché of time speeding up when you get older but seriously, where did that quarter year go?

To answer my own question, it disappeared in to a black hole of work, progress and a rather vast amount of band recruitment *wipes brow dramatically*.

At the start of last year we vowed we’d be active UK wide and have a broad range of Freak quality acts in all corners of the island and we managed that, but continue to recruit. At the beginning of this year we promised ourselves to further target the sizeable Scottish wedding band market primarily but also extend the tentacles south in to the English market, and for the first four months of the year, again we have made inroads in that department.  Backward steps are not welcome at Freak Towers.

One other push recently has been to expand the slightly more off the wall acts. Initially we thought this would be a solely private party/specialised corporate affair which shows what we know.  Fancy a gypsy rock, busking band for your big day? Look no further than the Riviera. Or how about some blistering eastern brass harmonies and high-energy rhythms instead? Well there’s always the Baghdaddies. Not crazy enough? Okay, try the Destroyers (above) on for size, size being the operative word. At last count there were 15 of them, that may have changed, these guys bud like yeast. All of the aforementioned have been booked for weddings this year. There are some pretty imaginative bride and groom combos out there…

Naturally, the more standard wedding fayre acts remain popular, with your standard covers and ceilidh bands being the stand out choice but we still have a fair amount of traditional ceilidh bands unsurprisingly and the usual airs of the various string quartets can be heard at manys a wedding throughout the land. Harpists are an increasingly popular choice at all manner of events, not just wedding although that does remain the staple type of event for these.

The next projects at Freak Music include the filming of a video for the noisy boys of Clanadonia some time this summer. We’ve got horses and everything, should be mental. The big thing this summer however is our inaugural wedding band showcase, watch this space. Or more sensibly, email me to be put on the mailing list.


Chris Freak

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