Well, 2012 is off to a flyer, we’ve just recorded our busiest start to the year with bookings on the up, which doesn’t mean we’re recession proof but does indicate we’re doing something right, which is nice. Moving through the year we shall be hosting regular wedding showcases with the first one hopefully before the end of March, so watch this space. We think we have the venue. It’s all about location with these things. Well, that and the bands I guess.
For the average punter it’s not exactly festival season as such but for the organisers and agents like us it’s very much the festival planning season. Freak’s finest racketmakers Clanadonia have already been confirmed for their first European festival, the Keltisch Midzomer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans in the Netherlands (although Google translate has it being staged in Papenberg in Germany) on the weekend of the 6th, 7th and 8th of July, headlining on the Sunday night no less. Also on the bill that weekend are Celtica Rocks, a slightly less traditional act with a more traditional look. Closer to home Clanadonia are also playing at the Calderglen park event in East Kilbride on Sunday the 10th of June. All welcome.
The Schtick!
If you’re of the biker persuasion (especially Harley Davidsons) you may be interested in another Freak act headlining the Thunder in the Glens event in August. They’re called Schtick of Rock and like a lot of of somesuch acts you may feel they are simply a comedy act; not so. They are blisteringly good musicians, they have simply realised what all the best heavy metal/rawk bands all know, it’s not a genre to be taken seriously. All the greats had/have an element of pantomime about them, think Van Halen, Alice and Ozzy. As regards the acts who think it is to be taken seriously well, Yngwie Malmsteen and Manowar anyone? Though not. The Schtïck, as I like to call them, are also playing at the fabled Dreadnought club tomorrow for some sort of Mardi Gras night. Free entry. Air guitar compulsory.